5 Easy Ways To Help Towards Sustainable Living in Malaysia

Here are 5 easy ways to help you towards sustainable living in Malaysia.

Sustainable living is about careful use of resources so that we do not deplete them for future generations. Prioritizing natural and renewable resources, by making conscious effort to not create excess waste.
There are many steps that we can take towards sustainable living often requiring minimal effort or drastic lifestyle changes. This time we would like to focus on easy everyday things we can change for the better. Here are 5 easy ways to help you towards sustainable living in Malaysia.
1. Adopt zero waste habits.
Zero waste basically is a conscious effort to replace things we use on a daily basis that aims to not generate excess waste. One of the major global wastes that we generate is plastic waste. As plastics do not have the ability to compost on its own. The probability that every plastic waste that was ever produced is still around.
Only 20% of plastics are recycled, 50% ends up in landfills while the other 30% is incinerated. Recently micro plastics were found in a woman’s placenta who had given birth, raising questions on our bodies ability to absorb micro plastic and the unknown effects of this phenomenon.
What can you do?
Reduce wrapping foods with plastics as it’s always a one time use. At Unplug we love our Beeswax wraps made by a Malaysian local brand Saffron & Serai.
It’s easy to use, reusable, just wash it with soap and water. It comes in many beautiful batik designs that would add a touch of local art in your kitchen. Did we mention that the Batik are also deadstock or discarded fabric that are repurposed and upcycled!

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